The Network’s Vision is of a world in which women and men have equal rights and opportunities in all stages of their lives, where they express their creativity in all fields of human endeavour and in which women are respected and valued as equals and able partners in establishing the values of social justice, equity, democracy and respect for human rights. Like the women of Trinidad and Tobago the Network wants to ensure that all citizens benefit equitably and that all forms of discrimination are removed. Therefore it is committed to the aims of the United Nations Convention on the Elimination of Discrimination Against Women (CEDAW).

Policy: The overall policy of the Network is decided by the eight (8) representatives of the full membership elected biennially to serve on the Board of Directors.

  1. The Network plays a leadership role through mentoring, and supporting the involvement of young women as well as providing advice, information and support to other organizations specifically including some of the most vulnerable and under resourced groups in the country.
  2. The Network is committed to strengthening the relationships that have emerged through the increase of women elected and appointed to the regional corporations. The Network also develops strategies to support them so that they can effectively carry out their responsibilities.
  3. The Network’s good working relationships with the State through its Ministries – Community Development, Gender Affairs, Labor, Sports and Youth Affairs, Social Development, Local Government, Foreign Affairs, Finance and the Attorney General’s Office has enabled it to make policy inputs into: The development of a National Gender Policy and Action Plan for Trinidad and Tobago intended to mainstream gender analysis and programming into all government policies; The process of building awareness and consensus on the matter of gender responsive budgets; and the action to demonstrate the link between media portrayal and the violence to which women and girls are subjected.
  4. The Network involves young women in the work of the organization by introducing them to tasks at all levels for which they are paid small stipends. This allows them to learn and acquire skills and experience in advocacy and lobbying.
  5. The Network initiated the development of a National Coalition on Women and Girls and Aids. A mapping exercise of work currently undertaken in the area of women, girls and AIDS was undertaken which resulted in developing the coalition’s structure with a three (3) year work plan.
  6. The Network continues to strengthen its advocacy in relation to legislative reform and improvements to the quality of maternal and child health services.
  7. The Network recognizes the need to develop and share ICT skills and knowledge, to express its concerns about women and girls access – especially rural women.

The Network is represented on and accredited to

  1. The UN The Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC)
  2. The Civil Society, Organisation of America States Unit (OAS Civil Society Unit)
  3. Inter-American Development Bank, Civil Society System
  4. Commonwealth Secretariat and Foundation

The Network continues to gain respect and recognition as the voice of women in Trinidad and Tobago at home as well as in the Latin American and Caribbean Region. In the International Fora it has, through its role as past Secretariat of the Commonwealth Women’s Network built good working relations with inter-government, regional and international agencies.

The Network has been partnering with Local and International organizations to foster greater unity and collaboration of efforts in the work that we do. Partnerships have been and will always be the backbone of all that we do.
Our Local and International Partners include -:
United Nations Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC)
The Government of Trinidad and Tobago and the Ministry of Gender Affairs
United Nations Development Programme (UNDP)
United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA)
United Nations Development Fund for Women (UNIFEM)
World Summit on Information (WSIS)
UN Commission on the Status of Women (CSW)
UN Commission on Sustainable Development (CSD)
UN Democracy Fund (UNDEF)
European Union
Commonwealth Foundation
Organisation of American States – Civil Society Unit
CIVICUS International
Match International
Caribbean Policy Development Centre
Stakeholder Forum for a Sustainable Future