Our Members

The members of the Network of NGOs are diverse but we all have one thing in common we enjoy working towards a cause.

Here is a list of our current members.

African Women Association

Anjuman Ladies Association

Archdiocese of Port of Spain

Artist Coalition of Trinidad and Tobago

ASJA Ladies Association

Baku Productions

Brahma Kumaris Rajayoga Centre

Breastfeeding Association of Trinidad and Tobago

Brown Cotton Theatre Ensemble

Caribbean Association for Feminist Research and Advancement (CAFRA)

Caribbean Association of Home Economists

Caribbean Institute of Sustainability

Caribbean Network for Integrated Rural Development

CARITAS – CAM (Caritas AIDS Ministry) of Trinidad and Tobago

Causes United

Chest and Heart Association of Trinidad & Tobago

Child Welfare League of Trinidad and Tobago Inc

Christ Church for Better Living

Cocorite Care Foundation

Council of Elders Spiritual Shouter Baptist Faith

Cyril Ross Nursery (Society of St. Vincent De Paul)

Doula Alliance of Trinidad and Tobago

Dyslexia Association

Emancipation Support Committee

Enia Wa (Eniyan Wa)

Families in Action (FIA)

Families Influencing Communities Foundation

Family Planning Association of Trinidad and Tobago

Federation of Woman’s Institute

Friends of Port of Spain General Hospital Association

Grace Talma and Associates

Hindu Women’s Organisation of Trinidad and Tobago

HIV/AIDS Coordinating Unit of the Ministry of Health

Husbands Club of Trinidad and Tobago

Indian Women Group of Trinidad & Tobago

Inner Wheel Club of St. Augustine

Institute for Gender and Development Studies

International Education and Resource Network Trinidad and Tobago (Iearntt)

Islamic Ladies Social & Cultural Association

Lashback Rehab Facility

Madinah House

Mamatoto Resource and Birth Centre

Men Against Violence Against Women ( MAVAW)

Millennium Sisthas Trinidad & Tobago

Mizpeh Halfway House

Mothers Union in the Diocese of the Anglican Church of Trinidad & Tobago

National Association for Early Childhood Care & Development

National Association of Secretaries and Administrative Professionals of Trinidad & Tobago

National Centre for Persons with Disabilities (NCPD)

National Muslim Women’s Organization of Trinidad & Tobago

National Spiritual Assembly of the Bahai

National Union of Domestic Employees

Network of Rural Women Producers

New Arising Sports Company

Oilfields Workers’ Trade Union – Women’s Desk

Petherton Trust for Girls and Young Women

PNM Women’s League

Rape Crisis Society of Trinidad and Tobago (RCS)

SAVE Secure A Vibrant Environment Foundation

Seventh Day Adventist Women Ministry

Shay’s Foundation for Cerebral Palsy

Society of St Vincent De Paul

Soroptimist International of Port of Spain

Soroptimist International San Fernando

Soroptimist International St. Augustine

The Association of Female Executives of Trinidad and Tobago (AFETT) 

The Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder Foundation of Trinidad and Tobago (ADHD)

The Blind Welfare Association

The Coterie of Social Workers of Trinidad and Tobago

The Diabetes Association of Trinidad and Tobago

The Girl Guides Association of Trinidad and Tobago

The John Hayes Memorial Kidney Foundation

The Keepers

The Public Services Association of Trinidad and Tobago

Toco Foundation

Trinidad and Tobago Association of Midwives

Trinidad and Tobago Association of Nutritionists and Dietitians

Trinidad and Tobago Association of Women Police

Trinidad and Tobago Cancer Society

Trinidad and Tobago Chapter of Disabled People International

Trinidad and Tobago Coalition Against Domestic Violence

Trinidad and Tobago Legion (Royal Commonwealth Ex-Services league)

Trinidad and Tobago Muslim League Ladies Association

Trinidad and Tobago National Association for Down Syndrome

Trinidad and Tobago National Council in Alcoholism & Other Addiction

Trinidad and Tobago Reading Association

Trinidad and Tobago Red Cross Society

Trinidad and Tobago Registered Nurses Association

Trinidad and Tobago Unified Teachers Association

Women of the Soil

Women of Worth

Women Working for Social Progress

Working Against Stigmatization and Poverty (WASP)

Young Men’s Christian Association (YMCA)

Young Women’s Christian Association (YWCA)